Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eat local. Be Healthy.

Yesterday, I went to the first Farmers' Market of the season in Leavenworth. What a wonderful turnout of vendors and people! I was excited to get some fresh strawberries, lettuce, and especially farm fresh eggs. I also bought some meat straight from the farm, and I could definitely tell the difference. It was a little pricier than what it sold for in the store, but well worth it.

As many know, I love to plan our family meals. I have experimented with different ways to make meals healthy, affordable, and easy. I think that it is really trendy right now to coupon and save money, but I don't agree that is always best for our health when it comes to meals. Have you seen all of the processed foods in the Sunday circulars? The dinner table is not the place to start making major cutbacks!

When it comes to our health and eating hormone free and pesticide free foods, I will pay a little more each time. The long term effects outweigh the short term satisfaction of saving money. With that said, it is still important to stay within a budget and within reason.

Developing a menu of healthy meals within budget is an art. After a few times through, you will know what works for you and your family.

I believe that feeding my family healthy foods without hormones or pesticides will pay off in the long run with better health and vitality. If you do the same, you are also supporting your local farmers directly (without the middle man!) There are many places to cut back in the budget, but the foods we put into our bodies and our children's bodies should not be one of them.

The New York Times even had something to say about it in the article below:

Thanks for reading!

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