Saturday, March 17, 2012

Tired of Debt


Debt makes me sick. You know, the nauseating "I am in my first trimester" kind of sick? It ranks right up there.

If you are a friend of mine, you know how I am on a journey to get out of debt! I put my small successes and lessons I learn on Facebook frequently because the idea of being "debt-free" is something I want and pursue with great passion.

Growing up, my family never really talked about money. We just didn't have any, so it was pretty much a non-issue. I went into the world not knowing how to budget and racking up debt on credit cards and school loans. One day, I became completely fed up with making payments and never feeling like there was any money left.

When my daughter was born last year, I started to think about finances a little differently. It was okay for me to "get by," but it was not okay for my daughter and my family. It was time for a change. I started listening to Dave Ramsey.

His Total Money Makeover has me hooked! We have been doing the baby steps (as a family) since January of this year. We have a budget. We already have our emergency fund of $1000 and have even paid off some small debts. What a wonderful feeling! It's pretty amazing to realize that the power for change when it comes to finances lies in your own hands.

There is a ways to go, but these small victories keep us moving. I know it keeps me motivated. I have given up my frequent hair color changes, daily lattes, and "retail therapy." There is sacrifice, but the pain is only temporary. The rewards are everlasting.

I look forward to updating you as our family continues on this journey. For those of you who want to get started, there's no time like the present.

Click the link below and just do it! I know you can. Watch how it will start changing every aspect of your life.

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