Friday, January 18, 2013

The ultimate challenge for a - **SQUIRREL!** - girl who struggles to focus!

Something miraculous happened these past few weeks. I have been incredibly efficient and still had time for my family. I have had time to exercise, plan and pack my meals for work, study for my personal trainer certification, and start teaching a composition class at our local community college in addition to working a full time job.

I'm the type of person who isn't satisfied with just one activity, but I have always found it frustrating that I couldn't accomplish everything that I wanted to. I started doing Chalene Johnson's 30 day push to master organization and achieve your goals. WHAT A DIFFERENCE!

Chalene has an excellent way of helping you identify your dreams and goals, and then breaking those down in to manageable tasks. She discusses how using your smartphone and task apps actually help you accomplish more.

I started making my task list at the beginning of each morning at the same time - before my workout and before anyone is awake. I haven't forgotten anything this week!

I hope that I can continue to develop this habit so that I reach my BIG goal this year - which is to write an eBook! I make sure I include one to two tasks per day that will PUSH me towards that goal.

More organization means less stress. More goal setting and action creates dreams that come true. Will you join me on this journey? You can sign up for free below!

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