This past week, our family made a very difficult decision. It wasn't a sudden decision. In fact, we spent a month coordinating schedules and practicing with one vehicle.
We sold the orange Ford Escape.
I loved this SUV. It was the first vehicle I "bought" on my own. In all actuality, I didn't purchase it myself because I had a loan on it. As an Oklahoma State grad, I loved the color and proudly drove it around. After my husband and I started dating, the vehicle transitioned to a fun and reliable family vehicle that we all grew to love. It had equity though, and we were ready to pay off more debt and get rid of another loan.
*POOF!* Just like that, $5,500 in debt was gone along with the SUV.
It was a sad day, but we all knew that it would only benefit us moving forward. My husband and I talk about how one day we will pay cash for a nice, used vehicle. Maybe another Escape with leather seats? Maybe a sports car? The possibilities are endless. For now, we have a duty. That duty is to become debt free and build a solid financial future for our family.
Goodbye, dear Escape. You were more than "just a vehicle" to us. You are now part of the "Escape" from the chains of debt.
fabulous post! Love it! <3 Go on with your bad self(ves)!!