I used to care a lot about what other people thought about me. From my appearance to my beliefs, I cared way too much.
There were times I used to "primp" twice in one day just to look perfect for an event after working. By working, I mean sitting at a desk all day and not exerting any type of physical energy except typing. I would completely wash my face and my hair and waste hours getting ready just to look "perfect." These days, time is so precious that such an idea is just unfathomable.
Then there were times I would not express my opinions or my thoughts because I knew others wouldn't agree. I would sit in silence and nod, even when I didn't agree with the viewpoints. People would make comments about how I update Facebook too much or that I talked a lot, and I would delete a status or just not participate in conversations.
I think suppressing the real "YOU" is painful. Don't get me wrong, I believe it is important to consider the opinions of others, but I don't believe it should stop YOU from expressing yourself. I don't think that a single hair that is out of place or eyeshadow that has worn off will fail to impress the people who truly matter.
What price are you paying to be concerned about what others think of you? The price tag may be your authenticity.
It's just not worth it.

Thursday, March 29, 2012
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Quick Wins
I am a believer and HUGE fan of the Total Money Makeover!! We have paid off almost $8,000 in debt in the past 3 months! This is due to our fine tuned budget and a nice tax return (which didn't hurt, but we will have to change those exemptions to have that money in our wallet this year).
We still have our car loans, my student loans, and some medical bills. It seems like there is still such a long way to go, but it is important for us to remember how far we have come in such a short time. Dave Ramsey claims that in the debt snowball (organizing your debts smallest to largest and paying off the smallest first), that you will get "quick wins" which will keep you fired up and ready to get out of debt.
I couldn't agree more.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Somedays I feel like it is really dim, but I know it is there. Our schedules are crazy and we haven't had much time together as a family this year. I would rather make these sacrifices now while the kids are young, so we can make memories that last with them starting in the next few years.
I can't wait to yell "I'M DEBT FREE!!!!"
For those of you on this journey, dig in and keep the faith! You will get there.
We still have our car loans, my student loans, and some medical bills. It seems like there is still such a long way to go, but it is important for us to remember how far we have come in such a short time. Dave Ramsey claims that in the debt snowball (organizing your debts smallest to largest and paying off the smallest first), that you will get "quick wins" which will keep you fired up and ready to get out of debt.
I couldn't agree more.
There is a light at the end of the tunnel. Somedays I feel like it is really dim, but I know it is there. Our schedules are crazy and we haven't had much time together as a family this year. I would rather make these sacrifices now while the kids are young, so we can make memories that last with them starting in the next few years.
I can't wait to yell "I'M DEBT FREE!!!!"
For those of you on this journey, dig in and keep the faith! You will get there.
Monday, March 19, 2012
Work Your Talent. Share Your Gift.
Every day of the week, I commute one hour to work each way. As I pass people, I see many of them with expressionless faces. I often wonder what is running through their heads. Are they performing work they don't love because they need to get by? Did they just have a bad morning? Obviously, with that much time in the car I have a lot of time to think.
I don't want to be the person who works the 8-5 Monday-Friday gig for the rest of my life. I believe a lot of people who I see on my drive may feel the same but probably feel stuck. There are a lot of things that can contribute to being stuck in a career not meant for you: a sense of security, a paycheck, consistency. I often think many of us have the 8-5 jobs because it is expected of us.
Many people have a talent or a gift that they were meant to share with the world and should make a living doing so. Instead, we often stuff these dreams inside because the thought of being an artist, writer, or musician while supporting a family seems childish and absurd. Instead, we commit to the schedule that we believe is safe while pushing our dreams to the side.
I believe that people work to keep up with a certain lifestyle. It's scary to think about your resources being cut off and not getting that bi-weekly check. It's hard to plan for the future when you barely have time to sleep. I personally think it is scarier to wake up one day at 80 years old and realize that you spent your life doing something you never loved, that your dreams are forgotten, and that you worked so much you had little time with your family.
Right now, just like many others, I am doing what I need to do for my family. That doesn't mean that a stong dream, a good plan, attainable goals, and financial sense won't lead to a successful career in doing what I love. It's never, ever too late.
As a writer and someone who loves to motivate and speak about many areas that affect us as women and mothers, I am on that journey right now. I hope you can follow along and share in this adventure with me. Who knows, maybe some of you will decide to do the same!
I don't want to be the person who works the 8-5 Monday-Friday gig for the rest of my life. I believe a lot of people who I see on my drive may feel the same but probably feel stuck. There are a lot of things that can contribute to being stuck in a career not meant for you: a sense of security, a paycheck, consistency. I often think many of us have the 8-5 jobs because it is expected of us.
Many people have a talent or a gift that they were meant to share with the world and should make a living doing so. Instead, we often stuff these dreams inside because the thought of being an artist, writer, or musician while supporting a family seems childish and absurd. Instead, we commit to the schedule that we believe is safe while pushing our dreams to the side.
I believe that people work to keep up with a certain lifestyle. It's scary to think about your resources being cut off and not getting that bi-weekly check. It's hard to plan for the future when you barely have time to sleep. I personally think it is scarier to wake up one day at 80 years old and realize that you spent your life doing something you never loved, that your dreams are forgotten, and that you worked so much you had little time with your family.
Right now, just like many others, I am doing what I need to do for my family. That doesn't mean that a stong dream, a good plan, attainable goals, and financial sense won't lead to a successful career in doing what I love. It's never, ever too late.
As a writer and someone who loves to motivate and speak about many areas that affect us as women and mothers, I am on that journey right now. I hope you can follow along and share in this adventure with me. Who knows, maybe some of you will decide to do the same!
Sunday, March 18, 2012
Meal Planning Trumps Couponing Every Time
As a mom who cares about nutrition and healthy eating, I have found couponing a bit disappointing. I know it's all the hype these days, and it can be fun when you find a good deal. Don't get me wrong, there are lots of great household coupons out there, but finding some for the foods we eat is nearly impossible. A few weeks ago, my family decided to cut back on processed food significantly. Our diet is clean and now consists of fresh meats, seasonings, whole grains, and tons of produce. You'll rarely find coupons to fit this lifestyle.
In these past few weeks, I have shifted the energy that I spent coupon hunting to going through clean eating cookbooks and magazines to plan meals. Clean eating can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. I have watched produce and meat sales at stores and try to plan around those. I have been able to stay within our budget while planning out our dinners for the week. I also plan for plenty of leftovers and high protein snacks throughout the day to keep my metabolism churning.
The girls really have enjoyed trying new things. My boyfriend, David, and I have both lost some weight. I feel better physically and mentally. The best thing about it is that I LOVE planning! I found a new love for meal planning and cooking that I never thought was there.
If you think you don't have time to plan healthy meals, I would say that you don't have time NOT to. A few hours of planning and shopping on the weekend sets you up for success during the week. You won't be tempted to go through the drive through or pick up a pizza if you already know what meal you are planning to cook that evening. So, try it out! Share the fun with your partner by picking out meals that each of you can cook throughout the week. If you currently spend hours every weekend couponing, I challenge you to shift your energy towards scouring cookbooks and planning healthy meals. Plan with your family. Make a database of all of your favorite recipes. It's both fun and educational!
If you are not sure where to start, I am including a link that a few friends sent me that has more information on clean eating (and it also includes some easy recipes too). You can always start with a little research and try a few new meals. I promise that it is worth the time and effort!
In these past few weeks, I have shifted the energy that I spent coupon hunting to going through clean eating cookbooks and magazines to plan meals. Clean eating can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. I have watched produce and meat sales at stores and try to plan around those. I have been able to stay within our budget while planning out our dinners for the week. I also plan for plenty of leftovers and high protein snacks throughout the day to keep my metabolism churning.
The girls really have enjoyed trying new things. My boyfriend, David, and I have both lost some weight. I feel better physically and mentally. The best thing about it is that I LOVE planning! I found a new love for meal planning and cooking that I never thought was there.
If you think you don't have time to plan healthy meals, I would say that you don't have time NOT to. A few hours of planning and shopping on the weekend sets you up for success during the week. You won't be tempted to go through the drive through or pick up a pizza if you already know what meal you are planning to cook that evening. So, try it out! Share the fun with your partner by picking out meals that each of you can cook throughout the week. If you currently spend hours every weekend couponing, I challenge you to shift your energy towards scouring cookbooks and planning healthy meals. Plan with your family. Make a database of all of your favorite recipes. It's both fun and educational!
If you are not sure where to start, I am including a link that a few friends sent me that has more information on clean eating (and it also includes some easy recipes too). You can always start with a little research and try a few new meals. I promise that it is worth the time and effort!
Saturday, March 17, 2012
Tired of Debt
Debt makes me sick. You know, the nauseating "I am in my first trimester" kind of sick? It ranks right up there.
If you are a friend of mine, you know how I am on a journey to get out of debt! I put my small successes and lessons I learn on Facebook frequently because the idea of being "debt-free" is something I want and pursue with great passion.
Growing up, my family never really talked about money. We just didn't have any, so it was pretty much a non-issue. I went into the world not knowing how to budget and racking up debt on credit cards and school loans. One day, I became completely fed up with making payments and never feeling like there was any money left.
When my daughter was born last year, I started to think about finances a little differently. It was okay for me to "get by," but it was not okay for my daughter and my family. It was time for a change. I started listening to Dave Ramsey.
His Total Money Makeover has me hooked! We have been doing the baby steps (as a family) since January of this year. We have a budget. We already have our emergency fund of $1000 and have even paid off some small debts. What a wonderful feeling! It's pretty amazing to realize that the power for change when it comes to finances lies in your own hands.
There is a ways to go, but these small victories keep us moving. I know it keeps me motivated. I have given up my frequent hair color changes, daily lattes, and "retail therapy." There is sacrifice, but the pain is only temporary. The rewards are everlasting.
I look forward to updating you as our family continues on this journey. For those of you who want to get started, there's no time like the present.
Click the link below and just do it! I know you can. Watch how it will start changing every aspect of your life.
If you are a friend of mine, you know how I am on a journey to get out of debt! I put my small successes and lessons I learn on Facebook frequently because the idea of being "debt-free" is something I want and pursue with great passion.
Growing up, my family never really talked about money. We just didn't have any, so it was pretty much a non-issue. I went into the world not knowing how to budget and racking up debt on credit cards and school loans. One day, I became completely fed up with making payments and never feeling like there was any money left.
When my daughter was born last year, I started to think about finances a little differently. It was okay for me to "get by," but it was not okay for my daughter and my family. It was time for a change. I started listening to Dave Ramsey.
His Total Money Makeover has me hooked! We have been doing the baby steps (as a family) since January of this year. We have a budget. We already have our emergency fund of $1000 and have even paid off some small debts. What a wonderful feeling! It's pretty amazing to realize that the power for change when it comes to finances lies in your own hands.
There is a ways to go, but these small victories keep us moving. I know it keeps me motivated. I have given up my frequent hair color changes, daily lattes, and "retail therapy." There is sacrifice, but the pain is only temporary. The rewards are everlasting.
I look forward to updating you as our family continues on this journey. For those of you who want to get started, there's no time like the present.
Click the link below and just do it! I know you can. Watch how it will start changing every aspect of your life.
Welcome to The Friday Latte!
Welcome to The Friday Latte - a motivational blog for moms!
Almost a year ago, I became a mom to a beautiful baby girl. My life was turned upside down! All of the things that I thought I knew, I really had no idea about. There were many things in my life that changed as a result: relationships, career, fitness, nutrition, and finance. Oh, let's not forget the BIG change - raising a child!
For the past year, I have written about each of these topics whether it was in my own journal or on Facebook. I believe that as moms, we need to motivate each other in these areas because we often struggle from time to time. I am not saying that I have all of the answers; just that I can relate. I want to share my ideas, thoughts, and experiences with you and hope that you can do the same with me. Through this dialogue, we can help each other during tough times and encourage each other through the good times.
Some of you may be wondering about the name of my blog. Well, my "Friday latte" is one of my favorite things about my week. As a career woman, I look forward to it because it gives me that last "jolt" to push me through a long week of working. As a mom who is trying to become debt-free, it is my treat to myself at the end of the week instead of "treating" myself every day (and you would not believe the cost savings since I only do it once a week!) As a mom who cares about nutrition and fitness, I always order skinny with no sugar and I get my treat without piling on tons of calories.
As you can see, all of these topics relate back to my Friday latte in some way. It's a reminder and a motivator that as a hard-working mom, we still deserve to treat ourselves once in a while.
I hope you enjoy my musings. I tend to write whenever the fancy strikes me, so I would love for you to stay tuned and join in the conversation. I can't wait to talk to and hear from all of you!
Welcome to The Friday Latte - a motivational blog for moms!
Almost a year ago, I became a mom to a beautiful baby girl. My life was turned upside down! All of the things that I thought I knew, I really had no idea about. There were many things in my life that changed as a result: relationships, career, fitness, nutrition, and finance. Oh, let's not forget the BIG change - raising a child!
For the past year, I have written about each of these topics whether it was in my own journal or on Facebook. I believe that as moms, we need to motivate each other in these areas because we often struggle from time to time. I am not saying that I have all of the answers; just that I can relate. I want to share my ideas, thoughts, and experiences with you and hope that you can do the same with me. Through this dialogue, we can help each other during tough times and encourage each other through the good times.
Some of you may be wondering about the name of my blog. Well, my "Friday latte" is one of my favorite things about my week. As a career woman, I look forward to it because it gives me that last "jolt" to push me through a long week of working. As a mom who is trying to become debt-free, it is my treat to myself at the end of the week instead of "treating" myself every day (and you would not believe the cost savings since I only do it once a week!) As a mom who cares about nutrition and fitness, I always order skinny with no sugar and I get my treat without piling on tons of calories.
As you can see, all of these topics relate back to my Friday latte in some way. It's a reminder and a motivator that as a hard-working mom, we still deserve to treat ourselves once in a while.
I hope you enjoy my musings. I tend to write whenever the fancy strikes me, so I would love for you to stay tuned and join in the conversation. I can't wait to talk to and hear from all of you!
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